Thursday, March 3, 2016

New Roomies

College leads to adventures you never thought would come. One of them being finding a roommate to deal with your personality. Never would i have thought that finding a roommate would be this hard. Trying to explain yourself with a 200 max word count on a Facebook post, trying not to be weird or sound to cool for school. Then reading hundreds of post trying to find someone you just click with. To be honest it felt harder than trying to actually get into a university. Going back and forth over and over again with people you've never seen, meet, or heard of. Trying to not be mean when some random girl messages you asking to room together. But in the end you'll find your perfect roomies! As I did three days ago. Finally found three girls that want to live in the presidential village on campus with our own rooms and thank god our own bathrooms. All of us being from different states except for one who lives in West Palm. All liking the same things and wanting to decorate our lil apartment the same! And let me tell you I cannot wait to move in. But hopefully they're as cool as they seem and one of them isn't some crazy child.


  1. Looking or a roommate is very hard but it seems like you will have good people to live with which is great.

  2. dude your life is rough. have fun looking for a room mate, thats really hard!
