Friday, March 11, 2016

Last Block Schedule

This has had to be the longest week of my life. Not only because its the week before spring break but palmetto decided to make us go on block schedule. Meaning for three days we have two periods a day each for three hours. Starting with Monday having periods one and four, which wasn't too bad only for the fact that I had Ap biology for three hours. I love Ms.Nelson but she gave us a mock Ap exam and believe me I was not prepared for that. Even though I didn't do as bad as I thought. Next she made us take a mock FRQ. That was a total mess and 100% sure I bombed that. Thankfully I had variations after that and just danced for three hours which it typical. Tuesday was periods two and five. Period two being Economics with Mr.G and English fifth period with Mr. Panton. But senior picnic was that day so we were in the gym until we went to the zoo then were stuck back in the gym afterwards. The last and final day of block was Wednesday the longest day of all. Starting with math with Mr. Karpiak then anatomy with Mrs. Evans. Let me tell you three hours of math made me want to cry afterwards it was hell. WOOO!


  1. Those three days of block were absolutely terrible! I hope it doesn't happen again

  2. I totally get you!!! Those where literally the longest days of our lives! I hope we never have to witness block schedule again.

  3. So glad thats over. We made it through!

  4. Those were probably the three worst days of my high school experience. I hope it was our last block schedule of the year!

  5. i hate block schedule, i had it in my old school and it sucked! it makes it even worse that we have only 6 classes :(

  6. I hate block schedule too! I thought is was just for middle school.
